Adwords performance and quality score

By ryan
8 · 05 · 10

I’m trying to get ads to perform better on my adwords account. Should I remove keywords from ad groups that have a low quality score?

– Danny S. 26 / M / Myrtle Beach, SC

Quality Score is a function of:

1) Relevance of ad copy to keywords
2) Relevance of landing page to keywords
3) Relevance of landing page to ad copy
4) Quality of landing page

You can improve your qscore by

1) Make tightly focused ad groups with smaller numbers of keywords in each.
2) Make sure your landing page is about the specific keywords your using in ad copy and bids
3) Improve your ad copy to use your keywords and related phrases

what do you mean by a “smaller number of keywords”
– Danny S. 26 / M / Myrtle Beach, SC

For a single ad group, keep your keywords to 7 or less, this enables you to tailor the ad copy to the keywords you’re bidding on.

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