Preparing your business for Swine Flu (Novel H1N1)

By ryan
9 · 03 · 09

We have been warned, this flu season could well be more active than in recent years. As a business owner, I thought it would be helpful to create a single source for “best practices” as far as advising our employees and informing ourselves on the topic.

Most of what I have read seems simplistic, but here’s what 3PRIME will be doing next week and we recommend the same to you!

Fact 1)
Typical Incubation period (time between infection and full-on symptoms) is one to three days.

Fact 2)
Hand washing with anti-bacterial soap will reduce exposure to the flu virus in general, including the H1N1 virus.

What to tell your employees
1) If you feel the notable symptoms of flu, please stay home for 48 hours. We will provide you with work to perform at home to limit any lost time in hourly wages. If you treat yourself with anti-viral drugs within the first 2 days of symptoms, you will feel better quicker.

2) We have provided alcohol based hand sanitizer and paper towels, please use as often as you like, particularly before and after meals and after using the bathroom.

3) Seasonal flu shots are often available at Walgreens for $25. If you get one we will reimburse you for 50% of the cost.

4) Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you sneeze and use your sleeve when you cough. This prevents the airborne spread of bacteria.

5) Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth to reduce the spread of germs

Things you can do at your office
1) Clean doorknobs and other common surfaces
2) Provide plenty of disposable tissues, paper towels and alcohol-based hand sanitizer

List of Notable H1N1 Symptoms
  • fever
  • chills and fatigue
  • cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose
  • body aches, headache
  • diarrhea and vomiting has also been reported as an H1N1 symptom

Many more resources
If you want lots of resources, there are links below, but above I have tried to summarize the most critical aspects of preparing your office and employees

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